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Belpasso, February 3, 2025

TRESUN S.R.L.: Major Alfio Polisano of the Carabinieri appointed as President of the Supervisory Body (OdV) of TRESUN S.R.L. (Chasing the SUN) for the management of Model 231.

Major Alfio Polisano of the Carabinieri

The new Supervisory Body (OdV) of TRESUN S.R.L. will be led by Major Alfio Polisano of the Carabinieri as President, alongside the board composed of lawyers Federica Poma and Filippo Polisano. Major Alfio Polisano has served as commander of the Carabinieri stations in Piazza Verga Catania, Acireale, and Sant’Alfio. He has distinguished himself by successfully conducting numerous anti-mafia operations in coordination with the Anti-Mafia Directorate (DDA) of Catania, receiving institutional recognitions and the high honor of Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, awarded by the President of the Republic. He has also been honored by the General Commander of the Carabinieri with the "Salvo D'Acquisto Award" for his outstanding spirit of human solidarity in service. Massimo Alfredo Lauria, President of the Board of Directors of TRESUN, stated: "We are very happy and honored to have received Major Polisano’s availability to take on this important role, and we also thank lawyers Poma and Polisano, who will assist him in these activities. It was our intention to entrust this role to highly qualified professionals who will oversee company procedures aimed at preventing crimes."

"Results are achieved through hard, continuous, and daily commitment. Without bluffing. Without amateurism. Since the battle we are fighting is a real war, with its dead and wounded, like all wars, it must be fought with the utmost commitment and the greatest seriousness."
Cit. Giovanni Falcone

Photovoltaic plants O&M in Lombardy and Sicily for 1 MW of power
Award of O&M for 3 1 MW plants.
OBTON photovoltaic plants revamping in Basilicata and Umbria for 6 MW of power
Award of 6 MW Revamping on behalf of the Obton group in the Basilicata and Umbria regions
Samag photovoltaic plants revamping in Sardinia for 7 MW of power
Award of a 7MW Revamping on behalf of Samag in the Sardinia region.
GRValue revamping for a 1 MW plant in Trigolo
Award of a 1MW Revamping on behalf of GRValue in Trigolo
Management and maintenance of 20 MW of A2A photovoltaic plants in the regions: Sicily - Sardinia - Tuscany - Lombardy
Awarded the management and maintenance of 20 MW of photovoltaic plants in the regions of Sicily, Sardinia, Tuscany, and Lombardy with A2A
Catania welcomes the First Electronic Hub for the repair and regeneration of Solar Inverters by Tresun S.R.L. Etna
In Catania, the first Electronic Hub for the repair and regeneration of Solar Inverters arrives, thanks to Tresun S.R.L., a company specialized in Photovoltaic Surgery.



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